Barbell or Dumbbell High Pull Hold
This is a challenging movement and often one that will be done with relatively light load. It is an excellent way to see if there is any imbalance from one side to the other, done in a unilateral fashion. It can also help with turn over in the snatch and it’s variations depending on the grip used.

Butterfly pullups
The reality is that this is generally a “dead end” movement. It doesn’t apply to any of our other pulling movements but has a place in often competitive atmospheres. It requires shoulder flexibility, stability, and the capacity to significantly decelerate our mass in order for it to be safe and effective.

Chest Supported Dumbbell Row
The fixed position of the torso accomplishes two things. One, we can’t cheat the movement by heaving the weight up. Two, it takes the need for midline stability out of the movement. Both have value in their own right and can be used for different purposes depending on the goal in mind.