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Assisted RDL/good morning hold

The most friendly way to help people understand quality hinge mechanics and build confidence and awareness for posterior chain strength. The assisted version is generally going to be limited to those recovering from an injury or in a highly deconditioned state.


Deadlift hold

The deadlift hold has the same benefits of the RDL but with an increase of range of motion. Those with limitations in hamstring flexibility, possibly low back tightness or weakness, and possibly even hip impingements may need to avoid this position.


Good Morning Hold

The addition of simply having a PVC or empty bar on our back adds in the demand for posterior chain strength and hip stability. This is also an excellent tool to help people understand terminology that you may use when it comes to a “flat” or “round” back and how to recover that position.


Reverse Plank hold

This movement requires hamstring, glute, low back, and even shoulder stability. It’s simple approach is a great way to keep athletes in a generally safe environment, see what their general strength, and even stamina is when it comes to posterior chain strength. It’s also an easy movement to implement with limited equipment or in a large group atmosphere.


Single Leg Deadlift hold

This is essentially the same movement as the skater squat and provides the same benefits.


Single leg (assisted) RDL hold

The assisted variation allows for deconditioned athletes or those recovering to build confidence and posterior chain engagement in a single leg variation. It can also assist with proper tracking of the knee.


Single leg RDL hold

An open chain variation that requires hip, knee, and ankle stability. This is the gateway movement to identifying the strength required for many other single leg movement variations.


Snatch Grip Deadlift hold

Widening the grip from our traditional deadlift is going to increase the demand even more in the hamstrings and low back. If achievable this position is great for building our traditional poster


Split Stance Good Morning Hold

The split stance still allows for some stability with the non working leg but the increase in lever arm with the barbell in the good morning position adds more challenge to both the midline and requirements for hip stability.


Sumo Deadlift Hold

We are still working a hinge pattern here but with a wider stance it allows a more upright torso. For some this will be an easier position to achieve and could help them “feel” more engagement in their glutes. The wider stance can also be an excellent accommodation for those with hip impingement issues, obesity, or even the pregnant mama still training.

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